SPECIFICATION: Female Friendly


She is your middle eastern princess. Her sultry look and sweet approach will make you feel comfortable with what she does. Her soft, yet toned body is a dream come true! And yes, she looks even better in person! Jasmine is humble, sweet and very sensual. She likes to take her time and pay attention to every part of your body. She is popular for her deep tissue massages and passion towards her sessions. She will have you mesmerized!

Comments from happy clients

  1. “I first laid eyes on her as she entered Angel’s Touch and was captivated by the sheer beauty and innocence of her face and demeanor. A few long days later, I was waiting for our first session to start. So much anticipation had built up inside me that my heart was pounding as she knocked on the door. Watching this stunning beauty in sexy lingerie walking toward me with a smile was an amazing experience. The session started with a warm soothing massage that took all my stresses away leaving me in a state of total relaxation. It felt like I was in heaven, hoping that somehow time could stand still there and then.
She has a soft lovely voice, clean spotless skin that is as smooth as silk, a face with divine beauty, and long black hair that you could get lost in. She is perfect in every part of her magnificent body, perfection as a whole. She is also sweet, delicate, classy yet kind and friendly with a brain and wit to match. It was so lovely to talk to her, to admire her, to watch her, to touch her, all within MA limits. She appeared to me as the embodiment of the cutest, classiest, most gorgeous girl next door everyone would love to date but knowing full well they will never be that lucky. She gives new meaning to the word sensuality. She is simply a fascinating jewel.
Coming out of Angel’s I felt deeply satisfied, totally relaxed and younger. One hour of quality time with this princess worked like an elixir of youth for me. The session was breathtaking and full of memories to cherish for a long time. I tried to remember when the last time I felt so relaxed when I thought it must have been half way through a week-long all-inclusive vacation on a Caribbean resort almost a year ago. She is a true gem to be handled with great care and respect. I must go back to see her now. You see, my heart is still there.”

“There comes a time in every man’s life that one phenomenal experience, that surpasses your expectations and will make you remember her until the last days of existence. Music, sexy lingerie and her (a gorgeous woman) the perfect combination for a breathtaking session. After 4 years since the last visit to the spa, they are still rocking, She is unforgettably beauty.
Gracias Princesa!”

“She is absolutely stunning. The way she walks, talks, and her glance towards me gives me such chills. I’d never thought I’d see an MA as beautiful as her. She knows how to cast her spells the right way. She respects her body which makes me want her more!! She takes great care in how she presents herself and she is extremely professional. Most MAs are just about one thing only, but there’s something about her that you know she’s got more on her mind. Such a beauty that you only see a few times in a lifetime…”

“She is an amazingly beautiful young woman and a gifted MA with a well-proportioned, toned body and the face of a supermodel, the kind of face you see on the cover of a fashion magazine. When she first entered the room, I found her to be such an exotic beauty, the embodiment of Scheherazade from the thousand and one nights or the Greek goddess Aphrodite. During the session, she came across to me as a sensual, genuine, classy and witty woman. Her massage was wonderful and revealed all of her qualities; it was soothing, warm, professional, and most importantly done at a relaxing pace.

Her face is breathtaking and deliciously attractive, a face with great definition that reflects complex human emotions with clarity. I am talking about the kind of face a painter or a photographer would love to work on under different light settings. I had a hard time taking my eyes off her attractive face. It was quite an experience watching her face show different emotions, and my favorite was lust. She accepted my offer to massage her and it was glorious to watch this goddess stretched on the table in dim light while her face was full of lust. I will remember that sight of this princess’s face for a very long time.

She is one of a handful of MA’s at Paradise that literally blew me away in the first session. With them, I book a second session soon after to make sure it was not just a dream. Then I try to stay away out of concern of getting addicted, but finally end up giving up after a while. I believe my chances of dating a girl this amazing was rather slim even when I was much younger. Each flower has its own fragrance and the one this Orchid wears is overwhelming. Every time I remember her, that pleasant fragrance comes back to me, relaxes my body and soul and puts a broad smile on my face.”

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