SPECIFICATION: Couple Friendly, Female Friendly, Bilingual (EN/FR), Light Domination, Light Fetish, Light Kink, Duo Friendly


Catering to the modern man with a service that promises to seduce, entertain and continuously surprise them.

Comments from happy clients

I have a weakness for short busty dark haired beautiful French girls so this review may be slightly biased but if that’s your thing too, this girl is quite the treat.

She came in the room wearing a lovely crop top t-shirt and a G-string, I was shocked at how gorgeous she is, both her face and her body, because of course the pictures blurred to protect her identity but I was also pleasantly surprised that my assumption based on her photos that her breasts were implants was wrong and I confirm they real and Spectacularly Sensitive.

She also has an amazing natural booty for those curious to know.

She’s easy going and friendly, makes nice casual conversation to break the ice during the shower, introduction and good byes, but then focuses on the work during the massage, which really helps me to relax.

I will definitely be seeing her again soon and many more times in the future.

Merci beaucoup mon cherri

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